Opening Times

Expected opening hours for 2025 – please also check back closer to your visit.

13th Feb –  end of June:

Thursday to Monday 10:30am – 4pm (closed Tuesday and Wednesday)

July and August:

7 days a week 10:30am – 4pm

Sept and October:

Thursday to Monday 10:30am – 4pm (closed Tuesday and Wednesday)


Thursday to Monday 10:30am – 3:30pm (closed Tuesday and Wednesday)

You can look out for the fabulous East Coast bottlenose dolphins from Shorewatch Hill or from the top of the shingle ridge on the beach. We do still see the dolphins over the winter months, but they tend to be spotted much further out to sea, where their food source is.

If you are going for a wander up the river path then you may also spot a wee cheeky seal swimming along the river Spey and the wonderful variety of coastal birds  that are wintering out on the islands between Spey Bay and Garmouth.



Upcoming Events

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